jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

Public Administration???

Hi everybody... this week is my duty write you to talk you about my career.
Ok, Public Administration is a subject of the social sciences, In certain way it's relationated with political science, economy, law, statistics, history among many other topics.
These make this career very dynamic and it form very competent students.
For me this carrer presents a great oportunity to incert you in the "system", for me that is very interesting. That is the reason why I chose it.
Some things that I like about this career are, like I say before, the quantity of diciplines that It teach us. This career give us the capacity of work in many diciplines and that is a great opportunity.
Things that I dislike...... I think that nothing yet, becuse is a new experience and the good thing will be in the end.
For my future I expect be in charge of some State work, trying to help people and make his lifes a little better

Okay that's all I hope you like it and enjoy yourself!

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Photograph that Rock

Well, I like this photograph because it's very expressive. He show us the passion when somebody plays an instrument. In this case He plays the bass. I know how it feels because I played the bass too. He remind me and make me wish play the bass now.
Because play an intrument is a way to express yourself. Play an instrument is liberation and freedom. You can make all that you want with it. If you are sad, you can play an instrument and probably it make you feel better. If you are bored, you can play an instrument and feel alright. If you feel drowned, you can play any instrument and feel the liberty.
For all these reasons I chose this fotograph... and I like it

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

My most precious possession

Hi everybody!!!
In all my life I think that I have had various precious things, maybe my first toy, when I was the firts place of my class or something like that. But now the things are change, because I appreciate another things, maybe less material as in the past.

So, in the present I appreciate things like the friendship, the respect, the loyalty, because I think these things are essencials. I give a look arround me and see that other people exist and they are here for something, but the interaction with those people is the most important. Feel that I'm not alone here, and feel that there are familiar people and share with them I think is the flavour of the life.
In conclusion the most important possession I have is my life...
It's sounds a little profound but that is what I think.

I see you the next class...