jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

Simply Pells

Well, you maybe ask why Pells, ok... the reason is very simple, my full name is Pablo Esteban Llanca Salazar.

I'm from Curicó, 7ª Region. I used to live with my parents and my brother, but I had to travel to Santiago. I´m live here with my friend and his brother and sister. All of us study in the Universidad de Chile. The friend's brother study Arquitecture, my friend study Antropology and his sister study Public Administration like me. We live in an apartment here in Santiago.
My brother is in Quellon 'cause he is working for Servicio Pais and he had to stay there for a year and my parents are in Curicó, 'cause I'm from there.
The three careers that I choose was: 1°Public Administration 2° Laws 3° Sociology, all of them in the U. de Chile, and now I'm here, in the Escuelita...

Thats was a bit of my life, maybe later I write more...

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