jueves, 23 de abril de 2009


The name of my best friend is Rodrigo, I meet him in the school, since 1997, 'cause we was classmates in the same grade, but we didn't talk there. While we grew up we start to talk.

My precious memory about him is..... I don't know...I think I don't remember, but one thing that alway I remember is that we always are kidding, is very funny and his humor is very particular, but I think that he is very proud, he don't like to lose.

One adventure.... jajaja, we did the cimarra in the primary school, and we went to my house, but my brother trough him out of there, I don't know what was the reason really, but he did it.

I envy his smartest and constancy because I think that I don't have thats things. (jajaja)

If I could I give to him medkits, because now he is very sick, he had chiken pox and he had to travel to Curico.

I wish he get better soon, and greetings for him...

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