jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

The best in your area

Ok buddies, this week is my duty write about a personge. Is very difficult chose some special character because there are so many that make one choise is very hard. But finally I chose the best character in yhe universl history...
Leonardo Da Vinci made revolutionary changes in Arts and Sciences. He is very well-known for his improves in the ingineering, advances in anatomy and oil painting. He domostrated the ideal human proportion with the vitruvio man. He was very well-known for his most famous oil paint, the Gioconda, his paint technique demostrate his knowledge about shadows in his draws.
His anatomy innovations was for the France/Italy war, because he used dead bodies to his scientific research. His draws about the human body was very specifics and they allowed the development of Natural Sciences. Also his knowledge about arquitecture and ingineering allowed him to create artifacts that in his period never could be created. Like a catapult, some tryings of helicopter, and many other devices.
In conclusion he was a revolutionay for his time. And he deserves to get the place of one of the most important personages of the universal History...

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