jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

A nearby Future...

Ok buddies... this week is my duty talk to you about my future and what I think that it will be...
So, when I finish this career I think that I will continue studing some postgrade and after that graduate in a master of some important university. Later I'll be back to my country to apply all my knowledge here and improve the public policy and make a change in the public administration. Also I will help to my family and reward them for all the things that they have done for me. So, I pretend learn and improve myself, grow up professionally and personally and come back to Chile.
After that maybe I will buy an apartment in some place, I dont know now, but maybe in another time.
My ideal future would be very relaxed, because I pretend study and study to work in a good job and support myself, and have change the public administration vision.

Well, that's all and I see you later....

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