lunes, 15 de junio de 2009

"Do Schools Kill Creativity"

As all we know the education have a very important rol in the society, because it form "thinking minds", and in that way it have a recognized importance...
But is all about the mind?... I don't think so, I think the education is a tool to direct the people by the right way, but considering the body, beacuse mind and body make to a person complete.
Now, about the video of Sir Ken Robinson, I think that He's right, talk about the reduction of crativity is a topic very insteresting, and postulate to a guilty education is a point very difficult to defend. Say that the child have the right to make a mistake because he don't know who is wrong or right is a very valid argument, because is the only way of someone to learn, for his own experiences.
Also He said that the public education around the world was focused on the mind knowledge, and let "outside the box" other things that could be important, like the social relations, our own body, again...
Finally I think that is necesary put "inside the box" all the things that make the people complete, and let them creativity be free to his own development. Only in that way we can make the difference...

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